Click on Shopping Cart when you’re ready to place an order.

In Shopping Cart you will see the details of your purchase. Please Check over the items listed in your shopping cart. You have the option of adding or deleting the items listed by changing the item quantity and clicking Update. Please choose the shipping method and click Procced to Check Out. It will navigate you to Check out page. Please log in if you have an account with us. If you do not already have an account you will can promptly create one or quickly checkout as guest. Please fill in the billing address if you checkout as guest. Then choose payment method. We accept Paypal, Credit card and Zip pay.

Please check over the details on check out page, make sure the billing and shipping address are correct. Australia Post and other our shipping partners will not be responsible for missing parcels if you provide us an incorrect or incomplete addresses.

If all details are correct, please click Procced to Payment button. Then you will be redirected to chosen payment site. Follow steps on Payment site to finish check out process.

As all transactions will be carried out through Paypal/Stripe/ZipPay/Wizpay secure website, we have NO access to your Bank/Credit Card details, or any other financial information.

Coco Gifts respects your privacy and will not under any circumstance pass on your personal information that is provided to us. We simply use your information to identify your order, personalise your invoice, and dispatch your order to the  address provided.

Once your order is placed successfully, you will receive a confirmation email with attached tax invoice of your purchase. Please check over it and contact us by phone at 08.8266 7647 or by email at as soon as possible if any details of your order are incorrect.

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